
The Worst Sin

A friend asked me an interesting question last night, "What is the worst sin a person could ever commit?" A bunch of things came to mind but I wasn't sure what it could be. I asked my sister and she simply replied, "God doesn't see one sin as worse than any other. They're all equal in his eyes." I told my friend that and then I got to thinking, is that really true? Is there really no difference between murdering someone and telling a small lie? The answer is no. There is no difference. As humans and sinners we measure sin against a measuring stick based on earthly consequences but God defines all sin as absolutely wrong. Think about it, when we get to heaven and stand before God on judgment day if we are Christians then all our sin is covered by the blood of Jesus. It's completely paid for no matter how big or how small it was in our eyes. But if we are not Christians, no matter how "good" we are or how bad we are our eternal punishment will always be hell. As Christians our motive is to obey and glorify God in all our actions and if God is truly at work in our hearts there is a hunger for those actions. Since our sin is completely covered by Jesus, God now sees us as perfect and without fault. This doesn't mean we should sin just because our debt is paid but it does mean that since we are sinners in a sinful world and since we will trip sometimes that each time we trip Jesus' blood will help us back to our feet and God will remember the sin no more. Non-Christians seek to do things that are considered "good" but without trust in God, so if they don't trust in God who is defining what is truly good? They are, and since they are sinful and finite, they're perception of good and evil is wrong. When they get to Heaven's gates and ask for entrance on the grounds that they led a "good" life, they won't be let in because they only did good by themselves and without faith.
"Imagine yourself standing high atop the rim of the Grand Canyon. Far, far below in a remote crevice near a bend in the rushing Colorado River, an escaped criminal hides in fear of being discovered. Though you are miles higher in altitude, you are as little able to touch the glittering stars as he."
Without God we can never get to Heaven and without Jesus' redemptive blood our good deeds will get us no closer than a criminal who did things we consider 100 times worse than our own sin.
Conclusion: No sin is worse than any other. This should by no means be discouraging to any Christians, we shouldn't be left thinking, my sin is just as bad as a criminals therefore I am a horrible person. While all sin is equal, as Christians all our our past, present, and future sins are completely washed away and covered. When we commit our lives to Christ he welcomes us as his children and no sin we ever did, no matter how bad, could ever make him love us less then anyone else. This conclusion should be encouraging because when we enter into God's arms, since our sin is completely forgiven, we are no less loved then someone who has never done anymore then told a small lie or thought a bad thought. You can't measure spirituality by worldliness, you have to measure worldliness by spirituality.


Lady_T said...

Very interesting philosophy. In my opinion a sin is a sin but murdering someone and telling a small lie are sins on different levels. Murdering someone is taking a life, you have therefore put yourself in the position of God. You have chosen to take a life you have not given and you probably will affect other people in that process e.g. family of the deceased.
If I told someone a small lie in order not to hurt their feelings, am I playing God? I don't particularly think so, I suppose you can say Im being polite or considerate. Don't get me wrong, its still a sin but on a different level. I get what you're saying about a sin is a sin in Gods eyes and I believe that on a spiritual level you're right about that but on Earth, it doesnt exactly work the same way.

Kate said...

but you also have to realize that by telling a lie you are decieving someone else and therefore you are saying that your truth is better than God's truth. Is that not also putting yourself in God's place?
like i said, we only see sin as different because we use a secular measuring stick.

Kate said...

another thing to consider is that the bible says that if a man looks at a woman lustfully he has already commited adultery with her in his heart. while simply looking doesn't affect the person, adultery does. and yet God says that they are exactly the same. on earth consequences may be different but in the grand scheme of heaven and hell there's no difference.

tgags said...

Sorry for the intrusion - I occasionally scan random blogs to see the different ideas and designs out there - and this topic piqued my interest.

I believe we get to heaven through God's grace as opposed to our works. He is the final judge, so in that sense *our own view* of the level of sin is irrelevant. (The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard comes to mind). God's righteousness is sometimes beyond earthly logic and reason, though as Christians we trust in His will implicitly.

Kate said...

my point exactly