
Dinner with the Crew

Last night we had the Davis's/Gruners/Murphy's over for dinner. It was so much fun!

This is the Davis's baby, Cianne, she is so adorable and she is such a good baby! And yes, she's the one on the right. :)

Tomorrow is Kelley's birthday and yesterday was Ellie's so we had a little party for them.

And here's Josh... my "older brother". Need I say anything else?

He had Kelley take this picture and a bunch of others after I had left to see a movie (The Prestige which I really liked!) so when I got home I found all these random, goofy pictures of Josh on my camera.


Lil' Cuties

I took these of my little brothers and my sister. They are so adorable together!

Siblings are such a blessing! And so cute! Posted by Picasa


Another Birthday

Ahhh... Saturday. Saturday means french toast with cinnamon and CaFfEiNaTeD coffee! mmmm!
Today I printed a bunch of pictures for an album, did a math lesson, and basically nothing much else. Clara and I are babysitting the little kids today because it's Ellie's birthday and my parents took her and 2 of her friends to a horse show! HAPPY B-DAY ELLIE!



Hey guys! Well, now I have a buisness e-mail address ( and a website - No real posts yet, I have to figure out how to do a few things first. I know i'm stupid... but I'm happy! Ignorance is bliss until the monkeys attack. By the way, i'm tired.

The Little Details

No Lit class today! But I still have a ton of homework to do... right now I'm just listening to country music and eating peanuts (yes, I'm actually eating!) and thinking about what school I need to do next.
Just a thought... I realized why I like being a photographer so much. I think it's because it allows you and trains you to see things that other people don't. You learn to look for beautiful things in nature and people, you can look down a street filled with cars and noises and appreciate it's unique features. You can see one leaf thats has the sun shining though it and see a picture. I know I'm being poetic but I really do believe it, Ii've learned to see pictures everywhere and how to capture something that most people wouldn't even notice. It helps me appreciate God much more because I can see things he created in a different way and be thankful for each detail he put into everything.

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Today is Brett's official 16th birthday! Happy Birthday!

Just to see you smile
Id do anything
That you wanted me to
And all is said and done
Id never count the cost
Its worth all thats lost
Just to see you smile
-tim mcgraw

Hannah drinking coke after eating barbecue chicken wings... good life = simple pleasures
My mom's favorite flower
My sister and I went on a walk and I saw these... they are so pretty!


More Pixs from Dogs in the Park...

For some weird reason it only lets me post 4 pictures at a time... oh well. Scroll down for more!

The Lord is Good!

Do you ever have that feeling that everything is just right in the world? I got that feeling today... The Lord has given me so much joy and I feel like nothing could ruin it. I've been encouraged so much these past few days and today I actually finished school before 12:00. So now I'm going to take my sister, Ellie, to Starbucks to catch up and then I'll do some more school and get ahead. I also found out today that I think I'm done 11th grade History! Praise the Lord! Now I can move on and do my 12th grade honors course which is going to be so much fun. I also only have 1 month left in 11th grade science. I'm just having one of those wonderful days...

Pixs from Dogs in the Park

Mr. Brewer, our excellent youth pastor!

Playing football

and some hand game... :)
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Our 3 Dogs

This one was just too perfect...

A little doggy pow-wow

Ollie, Roxie, and Lady

Lady and Ollie
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This is a little late...

Josh and Kelley Murphy's Anniversary was on the 22nd, so this is a little late but happy Anniversary!

On the 21st after Dogs in the Park (for which I will have a post later) we had Renee and Nick sleepover! It was so much fun, we took pictures and played Scrabble (with our own made-up words) and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember because it was so late... we're hoping to go visit them in Hagerstown soon and visit their church. From what Renee's told me it sounds SO cool!


Brett's Surprise Party!

Brett's "surprised" look...


Happy 16th Brett!!!



On cold days slippers are your best friend...

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A Beautiful Fall

Yesterday was a rainy day but today is gorgeous!

I took this one right outside our house!

The House of Pride

A stately palace built of squared brick,

Which cunningly was without mordar laid,

Whose walls were high, but nothing strong, nor thick,

And golden foil all over them displayed,

That purest sky with brightness they dismayed.

High lifted up were many lofted towers,

And goodly galleries far overlaid,

Full of fair windows, and delightful bowers;

And on the top a dial told the timely hours.

It was a goodly heap for to behold,

And spake the praises of the workman's wit;

But full great pitty that so fair a mold

Did on so weak foundation ever sit:

For on a sandy hill, that still did flit,

And fall away, it mounted was full high ,

That every breath of heaven shaked it;

And all the hinder parts, that few could spy,

Were ruinous and old, but painted cunningly.

-Edmund Spenser


Steps in the Right Direction

Hey all... Well today has been interesting. Math was this morning and we we're actually acting fairly mature which is different. :) It was still fun but I think Mrs. K was relieved. I just have to say, if my class acts like that I don't know what I'll do. I'm also calling Renee Palmer tonight just to catch up and find out what's goin on, we haven't seen each other in like a month. It' hard when your best friend moves away... But I have faith that it was for the best.
One thing, one of my close friends is having surgery on Monday, I can't say names but just pray for her!
Well, now I'm off to finish science and then I don't know what... Probably more school.



So now I'm sure all of you are tired of looking at all these random pictures so I decided to write something. Today I took my PSAT's... SO BORING! 4 hours of filling in little dots, so glad I'm done. At least until April, that's when I have to take the SAT's but I'm not going to think bout that. Most of the questions on the PSAT's were really easy (the math ones made me so thankful for Mrs. Kummer!), the rest of it was reading and writing comprehesion or whatever. There were only a few questions I had to guess on and they were the questions that we get credit for even if they're wrong so it didn't really matter. Ahh! What is this world coming to? We get credit for the problems even if they're wrong... that's just weird. But anyways, I'm going to go do Science and then I've got a friend coming over for a while. Fun times!

Just had Sophia Reeves over, so much fun! We looked at pictures and talked about life and all that. She is such a great friend and a big blessing to me! She is such a servant and truly does hold other's interests over her own (something i know i need to grow in).

:) :) :) :) :)


Friends are a Blessing

One of the greatest blessing's God ever gave us is friendship. Posted by Picasa
