
More Pixs

Here's some more pictures from the beach... I took all of them (except for the ones with me in them!) enjoy!

The Sunrise
Josh, Hannah, and Jonathan
Hannah and Sarah


Beach Pixs

Me and my cousin Sarah

Jonathan, Hannah, and Josh
All the Price kids
my cousin Sam

The Good and the Bad

Today has been a good and a bad day. Math class was fun this morning and I got my pictures from the beach today! (I'll post some of them a little later) But I didn't get much school done today and I feel kinda sick. I have a fever and my throat hurts a lot! I still have a few papers to write for english and class is tomorrow although I'm not sure I'm even going. If you guys could pray for me that would be great... right now I have to do as much school every day as I possibly can and I didn't get as much done as I should this week.
I'm looking forward to this weekend! Saturday afternoon I'm going out to lunch with a few of my friends and then Saturday night I'm going to see a movie with some of my other friends. I can't wait for that! This Sunday is the first Sunday we'll be just going to the first sevice instead of serving in the first service and going to the second one. After church the Tvardsiks are coming over for lunch, (all us kids are making lunch!) it should be so much fun. We haven't had them over in a while.
Well, thats about it. I'll post some pictures later... please pray! I really can't afford to miss anymore days of school or get anymore behind in literature.

Good Days...

May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.


Excited to be home!

Hey Guys!

First off, I just want to say thank you to anyone and everyone who took the time to pray for me. God has graciously been helping to be joyful, to focus on school, and has given me the courage to get through this.

I am so glad to be home. Vacation was definetely a learning and a relaxing experience and I can't wait until next year, but I missed my friends and my classes and everything. Last night I was filled with fresh determination and motivation to get though this year. I just have to think to myself, hey! This is my last year of school! Even though I'll be going to MC for two years I don't count that as school. I'll be doing what I love: art, decorating, photography, all that... I just have to keep busy. Seeing as how I can start courting when I'm 18 or 19 (if it's the right guy ;) I want to fill up these next few years with as much as I can. If we can get the money, my sister and I plan to go to Europe and Australia. That combined with college, homeschooling my brothers and sisters, getting a job, and just hanging with friends should keep me really busy! I am so excited for these next few years and I can't wait to see what God has in store, not just for me, but for everyone I know.



Hey guys! I just have a quick prayer request for anyone who has a few spare minutes. I can't be really specific but in general, I'm going through a trial right now that has been on my mind a lot and it's upsetting to me. I'm not sure how to be any more specific than that, just pray that I will trust God and he will help me not to dwell on this right now.

I'm so glad that we came to the beach this year, it's shown me how blessed I am to be in this family. I really do have the best family in the world and I wouldn't have traded any of this week for anything. What an amazing God! He put me in this family and I wouldn't have in any other way.


Pictures and Helicopters

Wow, what an amazing week! We still have one more day and then Saturday morning we leave. I'm driving home! I drove most of the way here and it was so much fun.
Well, at at the end of the week I have eight camera's with twenty seven pictures each which is 216 pictures. And yes, I did figure that out in my head. No paper, no pencils, just brain power! Ha!
Anyways, we're about to eat dinner. We just got through doing the family portraits. What an adventure! The little kids weren't really thrilled with the idea and it was a hassle to get them to even look at the camera. In the end though I think we got at least one good one of each family.

Oh my gosh! We just saw two helicopters practicing shooting right over the water with machine guns and rockets!!! It was so amazing! There would be a bunch of little explosions and the water would turn white and then one big explosion and the water would shoot up at least thirty feet! I would have loved to be in one of the helicopters shooting too, I love that kind of stuff.

Still miss ya'll!


Miss You Guys!

Wow, we're halfway through our week of vacation and it feels like I've been here forever. It's really nice, the weather's been awesome and we have the hugest house! All my little cousins are so adorable and I love playing with them and running around with them. Today we made sand art , I helped my cousin Olivia do hers. She is so funny! She has bouncy, little blonde curls and a sweet little smile. At night I go into the kids room and tell them a story about a little boy named Jonathan and his friends Sam (my other cousin), Josh the monkey, and Hannah the mermaid. They love them, its so much fun to hear them add little things into the stories.
Everyday we go out to the ocean (which is right behind our house) and Clara, my uncles, and I all go out really far and then ride the waves back in. I love being outside, especially at the beach.
Clara and I have our own room and after just a few days its messy already, well, we're on vacation! What did you expect? The only thing that keeps me tied to reality is math homework. I still have about 3 lessons left to do before this coming tuesday.

I've been checking in on the Senior High blog and it looks like we're taking a Senior trip to NYC! I am so excited, I've always wanted to go but I've never been able to. People are talking about going to see the Lion King on broadway, that would be so awesome! Obviously I love the movie and I've heard from several people that the play is really good.

Well, thats is for now. Just wanted to update anyone who actually reads this. I miss everyone!



Today was my last math class until Tuesday after next. It was pretty fun, just normal. I got a lot of homework because we're going on vacation next week and I have to do it while we're there. Oh joy! Well, I did it last year so, Lord willing, I can do it again. I am really looking forward to vacation though, we're sharing a HUGE house with my mom's side of the family, or at least most of it. In all there will be about 25 people in one house. Crazy times! All the cousins are under the age of 7 so we'll see how that goes.
I finally got to drive one of my friends today! And I didn't crash, I think I'm finally getting used to driving and I can do it pretty easily now.
Well, that's it for now. I'm skipping most of my school today and tomorrow because we're packing and stuff. Oh, my dad said I'm ahead it school! Yay! Now I don't have to take it ALL with me on vacation.

This extra part I'm writing now, I'm actually writing on Friday because I didn't want to have a whole extra post just for this. I am so glad I dont' have school today, or at least, not much. Last night My sisters and I watched Gone With the Wind starting at like 9:30 which means we didn't get into bed until around 1:30 this morning! Yes, I'm stupid. I have Lit this morning at 10:30 but oh well! It was fun. Vacation tomorrow! I AM SO EXCITED!


Oh, Math Class!

Today was a little crazy, ok a lot crazy. I sat in between all the guys and I bascially laughed at them the ENTIRE time. It was pretty fun. The only bad thing was I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and for half the class I was almost asleep and we were learning about proofs today. AHH!
Anyways, it was a ton of fun and hopefully the other classes will be just as good.
Well, thats about it. I'm still almost falling asleep... you can probably tell because this is the most boring post ever!



The start of a new week! Doesn't it make you grateful that God can give us joy in any situation? Even a really long, tedious Monday?
I just wanted to relate my experience at the Senior picnic last night. It was so cool! I didn't know everyone there but I met a few new people and I hung out with some of the people I knew. We all got our pictures done and then we took some group shots. I am SO not photogenic so I know I look horrible in the pictures but I don't care. After the pictures we played volleyball and my team won both games! All thanks to me of course! Not... I stink at volleyball but I did manage to get a few good hits in and I made it over the net when I served. Then we went inside and had a little meeting about the upcoming year, Senior trips, grad books, programs, gowns, blah blah blah. It's so weird, I had no idea all this happened! I just thought you did the school and walked down the aisle in a gown. But hey! This is 100 times better, isn't God so good?
Thankfully, I do have a few good friends in this class so it'll be nice to hang with them and get to know them better and of course I look forward to making more new friends! Well, I'm done. Off to do chores and then probably more school.
There's joy in my heart!


Weekend Update

So i'm crazy for doing school over the weekend but hey, I wanna graduate! Besides, I just finished a class today! Yeah! Like, i'm totally done, completed, no more! It's not a major subject, just health. But it gives me more time to, you guessed it, work on other school. Hey, I'm happy!


First English Class

Hey Guys!
Well, today was the first English Class. It seems like it'll be fairly easy, I mean, not to make it seem like I have it really easy or something like that but I'm trying to be optimistic. There are a few new girls in the class and a few girls from last year left. It should be interesting to see where that goes, I know when I started class last year I was so quiet and shy but this year (hopefully) will be more fun.
So now i'm off to go finish my second home ec book which leaves only 6 more! Yay! No, seriously.
Hakuna Matata! :) I love the Lion King soundtrack, especially Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Hehe, such a good song.

Oh and by the way, for all my math buddies, I finished the first lesson!

"The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once."


First Math Class

First math class today! It was ok, I didn't get enough sleep last night so I was trying to stay awake. Lots of laughs, some caused by yours truly. Yes, thats right! I managed to do something stupid on my first day back. I was sitting with my back to this pole and I happened to lean to far back and whacked my head on it right in the middle of class. Making memories already... isn't it great?
As for the rest of the day, it was ok. It's 8 right now and i'm still doing school so you get the idea of what "ok" means. There's is something I can be thankful for, I'm almost done health! Oh and one other thing, you all are going to be way jealous, my home ec course is one of the easiest subjects I have. Here's an example of a question:
What is a toaster?
Hmmm.... it's something you toast toast in. Yeah, thats pretty much it. Hopefully it will get more challenging. We'll see.
Well thats it for now, I have to go do math homework.


Second Week

Well, here we go! I'm now entering the second week of "official" school of my senior year. A little crazy to be sure! So far its great but this Thursday I start math and from what I hear its going to really challenging.
Last night it was actually decided that I'm going to be a senior, my dad called the lady who's overseeing the graduation and I'm going to a senior picnic on Sunday and some other lunch in October and we're ordering my cap and gown. Who knew?
When I thought of this idea, there was about a 60% chance it would actually happen and now I'm sitting here anticipating graduating from 11th and 12th at the same time. It always felt like I would be a kid forever, like I was stuck in this rut of thinking. And now, a whole different world is opening up to me, colleges, jobs, even adding new friends to my circle.
I know God will help me through this year and for that I will be forever grateful.

Psalm 16:5-6
The Lord is my chosen portion; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.