

So now I'm sure all of you are tired of looking at all these random pictures so I decided to write something. Today I took my PSAT's... SO BORING! 4 hours of filling in little dots, so glad I'm done. At least until April, that's when I have to take the SAT's but I'm not going to think bout that. Most of the questions on the PSAT's were really easy (the math ones made me so thankful for Mrs. Kummer!), the rest of it was reading and writing comprehesion or whatever. There were only a few questions I had to guess on and they were the questions that we get credit for even if they're wrong so it didn't really matter. Ahh! What is this world coming to? We get credit for the problems even if they're wrong... that's just weird. But anyways, I'm going to go do Science and then I've got a friend coming over for a while. Fun times!

Just had Sophia Reeves over, so much fun! We looked at pictures and talked about life and all that. She is such a great friend and a big blessing to me! She is such a servant and truly does hold other's interests over her own (something i know i need to grow in).

:) :) :) :) :)

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