
The Lord is Good!

Do you ever have that feeling that everything is just right in the world? I got that feeling today... The Lord has given me so much joy and I feel like nothing could ruin it. I've been encouraged so much these past few days and today I actually finished school before 12:00. So now I'm going to take my sister, Ellie, to Starbucks to catch up and then I'll do some more school and get ahead. I also found out today that I think I'm done 11th grade History! Praise the Lord! Now I can move on and do my 12th grade honors course which is going to be so much fun. I also only have 1 month left in 11th grade science. I'm just having one of those wonderful days...

Pixs from Dogs in the Park

Mr. Brewer, our excellent youth pastor!

Playing football

and some hand game... :)
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