
The Authority of Scripture

"The authority of Scripture means that all the words in Scripture are God's words in such a way that to disbelieve or disobey any word of Scripture is to disbelieve or disobey God." --Bible Doctrine

I think this is something that in the back of our minds, we all know, but to hear it put in such a way can be very convicting. Of course we know that we disobey God, our parents have told us before that we have. We repent for it and move on. But to think that by disobeying scripture we are also disobeying God can be enough to make you stop and think really hard. The words in the Bible are God's words, his commands to us as his children. Our parents teach us God's commands though talking to us and by example, but this is God speaking specifically to us and not through someone else. I think it's good motivation to study the Bible carefully and strive to understand what it says.

Here's something else I found,
Proverbs 14:3 - By the mouth of a fool comes a rod for his own back, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
Its so true! When we say something foolish or stupid, we're only punishing ourselves. But if you take the time to think about what your saying then it will benefit not only you but others as well.

Oh, I just found out that we actually don't have a senior meeting thing after church on Sunday. Darn, the last thing was so much fun! Oh well...

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