

Wow what a crazy day! I had math class this morning and it was really fun, I think we really annoyed our teacher though. The guys we're passing around the sunglasses and trying them on and writing weird little notes in the math books. It reminds me of this one show where these guys are acting really dorky and the person above them is really annoyed. Someone walks up to him and says: "Those guys are dorks." He replies: "Yes, but they're my dorks." I feel that way all the time. ;)
Hmmm... math. I have to get at least one lesson done tonight because Saturday we're going to visit my Grandmother so we'll be gone all day. Fun times!
Well, that's about it. I'm so tired right now so I need to go get my stuff done. See you guys later!

Friends... you got to love 'em!

"You don't need a plane to fly.
Plastic wings may make you cry.
Kites are made for windy days.
Lawn chair with balloons, fly away!
Inflatable pants, you may as well skip!
If you want to fly, all you need is friendship."

"A friend is a friend'til the end of the end.
That's forever and a day.
Stay by your side.
Won't hear me say goodbye
come what may,
'cause that's what friends do."

Some weird quotes....

(referring to having a baby) "So, did she have it organically or did she have a ceasar section?"

(referring to getting a pedicure) "My mom is out right now getting a pedigree."

(referring to make up, or more specifically mascara) "Why do girls even wear madagascar?"


superstar said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kate said...

oops haha accidentally deleted that one. sorry!

Kate said...

by the way guy's those songs where accually from spongebob

Kate said...

hey clara... its spelled actually :)