
Second Week

Well, here we go! I'm now entering the second week of "official" school of my senior year. A little crazy to be sure! So far its great but this Thursday I start math and from what I hear its going to really challenging.
Last night it was actually decided that I'm going to be a senior, my dad called the lady who's overseeing the graduation and I'm going to a senior picnic on Sunday and some other lunch in October and we're ordering my cap and gown. Who knew?
When I thought of this idea, there was about a 60% chance it would actually happen and now I'm sitting here anticipating graduating from 11th and 12th at the same time. It always felt like I would be a kid forever, like I was stuck in this rut of thinking. And now, a whole different world is opening up to me, colleges, jobs, even adding new friends to my circle.
I know God will help me through this year and for that I will be forever grateful.

Psalm 16:5-6
The Lord is my chosen portion; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.

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