
Excited to be home!

Hey Guys!

First off, I just want to say thank you to anyone and everyone who took the time to pray for me. God has graciously been helping to be joyful, to focus on school, and has given me the courage to get through this.

I am so glad to be home. Vacation was definetely a learning and a relaxing experience and I can't wait until next year, but I missed my friends and my classes and everything. Last night I was filled with fresh determination and motivation to get though this year. I just have to think to myself, hey! This is my last year of school! Even though I'll be going to MC for two years I don't count that as school. I'll be doing what I love: art, decorating, photography, all that... I just have to keep busy. Seeing as how I can start courting when I'm 18 or 19 (if it's the right guy ;) I want to fill up these next few years with as much as I can. If we can get the money, my sister and I plan to go to Europe and Australia. That combined with college, homeschooling my brothers and sisters, getting a job, and just hanging with friends should keep me really busy! I am so excited for these next few years and I can't wait to see what God has in store, not just for me, but for everyone I know.

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