
My Mom's Tattoo

This is my mom's wrist... this is a real tattoo... this is not a joke.

So is my mom not the coolest???
Here's the explanation: my mom's grandmother recently passed away and she wanted something to remember her by. Here's what she came up with ^, my great grandmother's favorite flower was the african violet. She's had it for about a week I guess and I've been waiting to publish this!!! AHH!
Thoughts? Comments?


Anonymous said...

This is Kate's Mom. I know a lot of you are looking at this and saying "Cool! I want one too!"
Well let me give you some things to think about.
1. It IS permenant. Think really hard before you commit to it.
2. DON'T do it because it's cool. I didn't. If you do this on an impluse, you'll regret it.
3. It hurts! Lots of needles. How much pain are you willing to go through for something "cool" that you can never take off?
Consider all of this and don't do something now that you'll look at in 20 yrs. and go "why the heck did I do that???"

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't get a flower...I've already got three tattoos and I love'em. Don't hurt too bad, but heack yeah: Lots of needles!