
First December Post!

hey guys! happy december... only 24 more days until christmas! or should i say 23, its 12:30 in the morning of dec. 2 right now and i am so not tired. tonight (or last night) we went to my little sister's christmas choir, they were excellent! all the little kids were absolutely adorable and i enjoyed it so much. it brought back memories of being in the choir when i was younger... weird, that was like 8 years ago. tomorrow we're going to get our christmas tree! i'm so excited! i hope we get a huge one. then sunday night i'm going with my family and some friends to this christmas light thing... its so cool! instead of driving through the lights you walk through and see them all. its something i look forward to every year. :)
well its almost 1 in the morning and i'm finally starting to feel "drowsy"... maybe. :)

*edit* ok guys so now its 2 in the afternoon of december 2nd but anyways... i got to bed at like 2:30 this morning. I am so tired today! Now I'm doing math, eating icecream, listening to loud music, and thinking about moving to oregon. hmmm.... we got our tree so i'll put pix up later!

i need a fire! its so cold!

ellie and hayley c. before the big night!

1 comment:

Kate said...

yeah... i'm just really tired today.