
Can You Hear the Laughter?

Ok guys, I wouldn't put any really embarrassing picture on here but I did pick out a few that made me laugh. Enjoy!


wow, Bryce looks angry!

brittany... haha your so cute =)

he stood up too fast... funny moment =)

josh and his lovely polka dot umbrella
lydia.... uhhhhhhhhh. =)

check out Brett's hair!
and Lydia's hair...

[brittany's, lydia's, and brett's faces = ???]
Love you guys! Thank you for serving God so well and for giving me many moments of laughter.


Lydia Jane said...

lol!!! oh gosh, you have guts! ;D Haha.

(what moment was that when Brett stood up too fast? I can't remember...)

Kate said...

it was during the seed story... kinda random but still funny =)

brittany said...

oh wow...those are good.

I love laughing at eachother!