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So Christmas and New Years were simply amazing! God is so faithful so bless me and I feel the evidence of it more every day. Now that we're all getting into the groove of the New Year, I can see there are new things to learn, new ideas, and its just too much fun =)

Some more pictures from the photoshoot that Kristen did... I got these a little later...

I did photography for my first Singles Meeting...

We had a rockin' 16th birthday party for Clara...
here's all the girls!

there was swing dancing!

things got a little crazy....

haha... ;)

Ryan drew this on my shoulder with a permanant marker, isn't it amazing??
this is the design i'm thinking about using for my real tattoo when i get it...
Thats all for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nose piercing, tattoos.... u goin CRAZY!!! who would do sucha thing!